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Wimbledon Tennis Championships Behind the scenes

We Create
The brief was to create a stunning film to be projected onto a large wall using three projectors during the Wimbledon Championships. The film showcased the hard work of everyone involved behind the scenes and highlighted the unique aspects of Wimbledon. We aimed to build tension and excitement before the tennis players step out to play on Centre Court.


We Produce
Iconic scenes were filmed on the run-up to the championships, showcasing the behind-the-scenes preparation. We researched quotes from past and current championships to sit within the footage.


We Edit
We edited a calm yet busy narrative that captures the atmosphere of the event. The focus was on showcasing the behind-the-scenes work that goes into making the championships a success, highlighting the special tournament. We allowed time within the edit to house the approved player’s quotes.


We Grade
We had the pleasure of selecting and grading these beautiful sequences using Wimbledon-branded colours.


We Deliver
We encoded the edits with different grades to allow time to view on-site before completing the final encodes.


Client: Wimbledon Lawn Tennis
Karen Lamond
Graphics: Georgina Ferguson

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